If the Edward King House Senior Center had to pick a favorite shape, it would undoubtedly be a circle. The beauty of a circle is that it is not linear. Because there is no singular or straight path to enrichment and engagement, the Third Circle offers yet another way for older adults to engage, learn, and build community. Building upon our in-person Circle of Scholars, the Third Circle will provide enrichment opportunities on a digital platform. All Third Circle programs, classes, and events will be presented virtually and online, using ZOOM or other digital platforms. Third Circle content will maintain the same level of high quality and innovation as any of our in-person programs.        
To meet the unique challenges of serving older adults with online instruction, the Edward King House Senior Center in collaboration with community parnters
has expanded digital educational programming by offering programs like those listed below strictly online.  

Pilates with Kathy from ShipShape (on Zoom) at 9am
Its muscle-strengthening benefits mean that it is also very beneficial for over 50s. That’s because, as you get older, you start to lose muscle mass & engaging with a regular Pilates routine will help strengthen those muscles in the long-term. Must have camera on, participants will not be admitted after 9:10  Dates: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28

Balance , Breath and Movement with Kathy from ShipShape (on Zoom) at 10am

Do you want to maintain or improve your mobility & strength? Is loss of balance and falling a concern? This program assesses your current abilities & incorporates balance, stretching, & strengthening movements to increase mind/body awareness. Must have camera. No admittance after 10:10.  Dates: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28


February 4 at 6 PM Know The 10 Warning Signs

February 12 at 6 PMUnderstanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia

February 20 at 6 PM Healthy Living For Your Brain & Body

February 25 at 6 PM Advancing the Science: The Latest in Dementia Research

Live Online Classes for Seniors

If you’re an older adult, these live online classes are designed just for you! Learn about Finance, Wellness, Fitness, Computers and Technology, and so much more. You’ll learn so much, and also find a real community of fellow life-long learners. Need help joining a class? Call the free Senior Planet Hotline: 888-713-3495

Community Health Ambassadors – Virtual Lectures

Tuesday February 11 | 12 to 1 pm

Save Money and Breathe Cleaner Air with No Cost Energy Efficiency Programs

Presented by: Carinel LeGrand, MPA, Income Eligible Energy Efficiency Program Manager Rhode Island Energy and Kate Felder, Energy Efficiency Consumer Advocate  Rhode Island Energy

Learn more     |     Register

Tuesday March 11 | 12 to 1 pm

Colon Cancer:  Treatable, Beatable, Preventable

Presented by: Dr. Harlan Rich, Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Science at Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Medical Director, Gastroenterology Clinic at Rhode Island Hospital and Medical Director Emeritus, Brown Medicine Endoscopy Center and Rachel Bishop, RN, MPH, Colorectal Outreach Project Coordinator

Learn more     |     Register

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