Living The Tao
Sessions: 7 Class Time: 1:30-3:30pm
MONDAY— 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11 Class Limit: 20 Member $60/ Non-Member $110
This seminar will explore Taoist Philosophy through the study of the timeless classic, “The Tao Te Ching” (“The Book of the Way and its Power”) combined with practical ways of integrating principles of Taoism and Zen (Ch’an) Buddhism into everyday life. In addition to the study of the Philosophy, different types of meditation such as seated, standing, walking, and moving will be taught and practiced as an “art of living.” T’ai Chi and Qi-Gong exercises for health, well-being, stress reduction, clear thinking and peace of mind will also be presented. At times, participants will be invited through a process of “Guided Self-Discovery” to engage in a series of experiments in “Experiential Learning.”
Jesse Harding is Chief Instructor and Director of Villari’s Martial Arts Center. He has a 6th Degree Black Belt, is a Master Instructor, and is an advanced certified instructor in T’ai Chi, Qi-Gong, and Taoist Yoga. Jesse began martial arts training in 1985 and has been teaching the arts for over 20 years. He is a Professor in the Theological and Religious Studies Dept. at Salve Regina University. He has degrees in Philosophy, Psychology and Religious studies, an MA in Holistic Counseling and a C.A.G.S. in Expressive Art Therapy.
Fee includes class materials