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Summer Class Registration

2025-02-08 09:00 2025-02-08 16:00 America/New_York Summer Class Registration

LIVE ZOOM and IN PERSON OUTDOOR Classes IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are a 2020-21 EKH Member, leave this page and go to the “For Members ONLY” page to receive your 50% discount on classes and events.  Email info@edwardkinghouse.org for the access code or call 401-846-7426 ext 2, IF YOU ARE NOT A CURRENT MEMBER CONTINUE BELOW: Note: These classes are not meant to replace any medical care.  Please check with your physician or medical practitioner before participating in any exercise class. Registering for these classes states that you agree that neither the Edward King House Senior Center, nor its trustees, representatives, employees, contractors and agents may be held liable in any way for an occurrence in connection with any activity which may result in injury, harm or other damages to the registrant or members of our organization and guests, invited or not. Each class has a $10 cost.  Refunds are not available. Zumba with Stephanie Morris (LIVE ZOOM) Description: As you get older, bone density and joint support naturally start to wane, which  means high-impact exercises like running may not be doable. Zumba is an excellent low-impact workout. It protects your joints and muscles while raising your heart rate and improving your balance, posture, and coordination. Dates: Mondays, July 13, 20, 27 Time: 9:30am Click Here to Register Gentle Yoga with Elizabeth Hughes (In Person Outdoors) Description: Recommended for all levels looking for a soothing, relaxing, and restorative experience, especially those newer to yoga or working with special concerns or injuries. Participants MUST bring their own mats and must arrive 30 minutes prior to class for class safety preparations and instructions.  Date: Mondays, July 20, 27 and August 3rd  Time: 10:00am  Click HERE to Register Boxing Fitness with Karen Dulin (LIVE ZOOM) Description: Throwing punches is a fun way to stay strong and fit at any age, but it is especially beneficial for older adults. Come get moving with professional boxer Karen Dulin from Newport Boxfit. Boxing moves are great for cognitive function!  Dates: Mondays, July 13, 20, 27 and August 3  Time: 10:30am  Click Here to Register Chair Yoga with Lynne Glickman (LIVE ZOOM) Description: In this time of the COVID-19 Virus, Chair Yoga via Zoom is a good opportunity to try it out or return to your practice; in your own home with your EKH yoga peers.  Movement and de-stressing will be key to these sessions.  Many yoga poses can be done using a chair and provide the potential to increase flexibility, balance, dexterity, focus and mental clarity. Classes will include basic yoga fundamentals such as breathing techniques; stretching and warm-ups; instruction of seated and standing poses with modifications; meditation and relaxation.   All levels of skill are welcome to attend.  All you need is a good stable chair on a non-slippery surface.  Dates: Tuesdays, July 14, 21, 28  Time: 10:30am  Click HERE to register Guided Meditation with Awakening of the Senses with Katie Moorhead (LIVE ZOOM) Description:  Guided meditation and awakening of the senses and spinal movements class is a specially designed class to meet the needs of any mover at any level.  Explore the ways in which we can clear our mind, reawaken our senses to deepen our mind, body […]


IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are a 2020-21 EKH Member, leave this page and go to the “For Members ONLY” page to receive your 50% discount on classes and events.  Email info@edwardkinghouse.org for the access code or call 401-846-7426 ext 2,


Note: These classes are not meant to replace any medical care.  Please check with your physician or
medical practitioner before participating in any exercise class. Registering for these classes states that
you agree that neither the Edward King House Senior Center, nor its trustees, representatives,
employees, contractors and agents may be held liable in any way for an occurrence in connection with any activity
which may result in injury, harm or other damages to the registrant or members of our organization and
guests, invited or not.
Each class has a $10 cost.  Refunds are not available.

Zumba with Stephanie Morris (LIVE ZOOM)
Description: As you get older, bone density and joint support naturally start to wane, which  means high-impact exercises like running may not be doable. Zumba is an excellent low-impact workout. It protects your joints and muscles while raising your heart rate and improving your balance, posture, and coordination.
Dates: Mondays, July 13, 20, 27
Time: 9:30am
Click Here to Register

Gentle Yoga with Elizabeth Hughes (In Person Outdoors)
Description: Recommended for all levels looking for a soothing, relaxing, and restorative
experience, especially those newer to yoga or working with special concerns or injuries.
Participants MUST bring their own mats and must arrive 30 minutes prior to class for class safety preparations and instructions.  Date: Mondays, July 20, 27 and August 3rd  Time: 10:00am  Click HERE to Register

Boxing Fitness with Karen Dulin (LIVE ZOOM)
Description: Throwing punches is a fun way to stay strong and fit at any age, but it is especially beneficial for older adults. Come get moving with professional boxer Karen Dulin from Newport Boxfit. Boxing moves are great for cognitive function!  Dates: Mondays, July 13, 20, 27 and August 3  Time: 10:30am  Click Here to Register

Chair Yoga with Lynne Glickman (LIVE ZOOM)
Description: In this time of the COVID-19 Virus, Chair Yoga via Zoom is a good opportunity to try it out or return to your practice; in your own home with your EKH yoga peers.  Movement and de-stressing will be key to these sessions.  Many yoga poses can be done using a chair and provide the potential to increase flexibility, balance, dexterity, focus and mental clarity. Classes will include basic yoga fundamentals such as breathing techniques; stretching and warm-ups; instruction of seated and standing poses with modifications; meditation and relaxation.   All levels of skill are welcome to attend.  All you need is a good stable chair on a non-slippery surface.  Dates: Tuesdays, July 14, 21, 28  Time: 10:30am  Click HERE to register

Guided Meditation with Awakening of the Senses with Katie Moorhead (LIVE ZOOM)
Description:  Guided meditation and awakening of the senses and spinal movements class is a specially designed class to meet the needs of any mover at any level.  Explore the ways in which we can clear our mind, reawaken our senses to deepen our mind, body connection.  This class will be mostly seated and for those able will revisit getting down and up from the floor levels safely as well as the last few minutes of gentle balancing work standing. Our goal by the end of the short series is to find ways together to practice our internal symmetries and create more harmony and balance with our energy.  Dates: Tuesdays, July 14, 21, 28  Time: 4:00pm  Click HERE to register

Intermediate Yoga with Andrea Breyer (In Person Outdoors)
Description: It is necessary to have some experience with yoga before you take intermediate yoga. Continue to explore the fundamentals of yoga as you learn to breathe and move deeply from within. Practice light movements with consciousness to build strength, balance, and flexibility and inner peace. Participants are required to bring their own mat and blocks and MUST arrive 30 minutes prior to the class for class safety preparations.   Dates: Wednesdays, July 15, 22, 29  Time: 9:00am  Click HERE to register

Gentle Yoga with Elizabeth Hughes (LIVE ZOOM)
Description: Recommended for all levels looking for a soothing, relaxing, and restorative
experience, especially those newer to yoga or working with special concerns or injuries.
Dates: Wednesdays, July 15, 22, 29  Time: 10:00am  Click HERE to register

The Aging Strong: Brain & Body  with Kathy O’Neel Webster (LIVE ZOOM)

Description: Developed on the principles and teachings of Denise Medved’s Ageless Grace program. It is a cutting edge program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain (analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and imagination) and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function. The movements are designed to be performed seated in a chair and can be performed with moderation, by anyone regardless of most physical conditions. The Aging Strong: Brain & Body class includes imagery, creativity, playfulness, variety, polarity, sound, expression, words and games…all done to fun music!   Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 14th to July 30th    Time: 9:30am   Click HERE to Register for this class

Gyrokinesis with Katie Moorhead (In Person Outdoors)
Description: Gyrokinesis works on opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength and is a great way to help for seniors to stay active and healthy. The movement relieves stress, helps coordination and balance, and improves concentration. Participants MUST bring their own sturdy folding chair and must arrive 30 minutes prior to class for class safety preparations and instructions  Dates: Thursdays, July 16, 23, 30   Time: 4:00pm   Click HERE to register